Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Favorite Rescue

This has got to come in as one of my favorite photos of an adopted dog EVER.


Because this dog was rescued from certain death at a housing project that was being demolished after Katrina. 

The workers were afraid of the dogs that had packed up, and began to poison them.

Used Dogs rescued 7 litters and 5 adult dogs. 

Ophelia, now Lily, was one of the adults.

She was always shy. I wondered if she would ever find a forever home that would know her like I did and appreciate her gentle nature. Ophelia/Lily is another example of how just reading canine body language "by the book" is not always accurate. There are always variations and exceptions to the rules. Sure, to the inexperienced or certainly for children you always want to be safe and cautious, but Ophelia's body language did NOT express the GEM she truly was!!

But thanks to an AWESOME woman Ophelia/Lily went from the photos below to the photo you see above!

THANK YOU Kathy!!!

Lily's sister OLIVIA is still here and would make a wonderfully friend. She is not like Lily, she is very outgoing and BOLD. She is charming and vivacious. She did great with the kids at Kid's Camp. She is smart and great with basic manners. Crate trained and does a really sweet roll over! 

She is  red heeler shepherd mix and is the very LAST dog from the BW Coopers rescues that is still here. All of the other puppies and adults have found their forever homes.


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